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Sunday, July 17, 2011


Nothing....nothing will gonna work......we all will succumb to these so called diplomatic gabs with our last words 'WHO WILL CHANGE MY NATION?’ and our game over . We need young; ideological and patriotic guns to join CIVIL SERVICES but more importantly politics because  neither any nation can run without politics nor we can do anything without power in our hands. We say 'POLITICS IS A DIRTY GAME', 'BAKWAS HA SAB. 'YEH DESH NAHI SUDHEREGA', POLITICIANS ARE BUSTARDS/SATANS and bla...bla. Giving all philosphies and doing nothing will never bring fruits on the tree.  At the end of the day from whom are you excepting to broom your nation? These present scenario’s politician dogs who knows only to piss and making it worser?
So I beg all youngsters to join Army, join Police, join civil services, join politics but don’t sit idle watching the sucking news with a tray of pop corns in the hands.  This is the only way to take our nation out of this so called hell dilemma.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

SOUTH SUDAN - The world's newest nation


The South Sudanese citizens cherished the victory last night. They were applauding, dancing, enjoying but at the same time their eyes were wet for the freedom fighters who had bestowed all their body & soul to bring on a denova.