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Monday, December 26, 2011

Who is "The Greatest" ???

A number of times,when you are down with failures or disappointments,you think what you are? You think you are neither among those who are reigning at top nor among those who are the masters in their fields.You think you are just an underdog & just an onus on earth. At this time, just ask one question to yourself i.e.
Your mind will run to get the best possible answer but i can bet your mind will come back empty-handed because its always difficult rather impossible to predict one as the planet's greatest. Are those getting Nobel Prizes annually are not greatest? Was Mahatma Gandhi greater than Einstein & vice versa? Was Graham Bell greater than Mother Teresa & vice versa? Afterall,who is the greatest irrespective of their fields. No answers. You have your unique de facto identity,but you need to exploit it. Sometimes,your luck boycotts you but you should not loose heart because some day your day will come.Don't be demoralized even if time has rendered everything to go against you.You should dare to challenge the time. When those who glorified the world could not make it to "the greatest" title then why you are weeping.
JUST UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE & WHAT ARE YOU MADE FOR, then you'll see the difference.Believe in God and keep going.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Nothing....nothing will gonna work......we all will succumb to these so called diplomatic gabs with our last words 'WHO WILL CHANGE MY NATION?’ and our game over . We need young; ideological and patriotic guns to join CIVIL SERVICES but more importantly politics because  neither any nation can run without politics nor we can do anything without power in our hands. We say 'POLITICS IS A DIRTY GAME', 'BAKWAS HA SAB. 'YEH DESH NAHI SUDHEREGA', POLITICIANS ARE BUSTARDS/SATANS and bla...bla. Giving all philosphies and doing nothing will never bring fruits on the tree.  At the end of the day from whom are you excepting to broom your nation? These present scenario’s politician dogs who knows only to piss and making it worser?
So I beg all youngsters to join Army, join Police, join civil services, join politics but don’t sit idle watching the sucking news with a tray of pop corns in the hands.  This is the only way to take our nation out of this so called hell dilemma.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

SOUTH SUDAN - The world's newest nation


The South Sudanese citizens cherished the victory last night. They were applauding, dancing, enjoying but at the same time their eyes were wet for the freedom fighters who had bestowed all their body & soul to bring on a denova.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Debating 'SECULARISM OF INDIAN' with one of my FB friend

My Friend: Secular India !!
Where Babri Majid was demolished with top leaders supporting the mob ; LK Advani , Gulzari Lal Nanda and Uma bharti saying ‘Zor ka jatka zra deere se’….the mob martyring the mosque …It happened in secular India.
Where Christians were tortured (orrisa)…. As to why they converted their religion…It happened in Secular India where everyone has the right to religion.
Where Churches were demolished…

Where RSS, Shiv sena are referred as ‘pro-national’ organizations whereas SIMI a terrorist organization..
Where Convent schools, Madarsas, Ashrams run not just for imparting quality education but a secret motto to spread their religion… Secular India
Where BJP, PDP like political parties are on board, identifying themselves as secular parties but are pro-religion parties…
Where thousand FAKE encounters like Ishrat Jahan’s on on the zenith…Secular India
Where state’s CM orders its officials to be liberal with the Hindutva soldiers during the Gujarat riots…..
Where every muslim is seen , identified as pro-pakistani…a terrorist supporting….n then questions are raised about his loyalty to his nation.. Secular India
Where boastful talks shelter the inner hatred feelings…..secular India
Where Honour killings are on peak …….(eloping of young pairs)
Where muslim people prefer to rent their homes to muslims only and hindus prefer to their own people…..
Where we are taught that INDIA is a SECULAR country…. Which it is not…

Had it been a SECULAR country….such things would have never happened, thus compelling me to doubt its secularism….
Me:Agree with you.
But listen go where ever u want, go US, go UK, go Arab, go China, u'l find just one religion in majority dominating all the other religions. It's just and just India, where you'l find hindus celebrating EID, muslims celebrating Diwali and all celebrating CHRISTMASS.
Secularism. What do u mean by secularism? My cricket team is world champ because Harbhajan , Zaheer, Tendulkar giving all their body and soul for India.
My nation's  President,
vice-president and Prime Minister are hindu-muslim-sikh.
No nation is prefect, its just we who can change the nation's palmistry & fate. You'l never able to distinguish between the blood streams running in the borders, this blood smells good he must be a hindu or vice versa. Poltical parties are just  bullshit. They have no religion except the votebank, some go by impressing the Hindu voters, other go by Muslim, they are just blood sucking satans.
I can die but can never except that every Muslim is pro Pakistani, well i have nothing to do even with those who are pro pakistani but maa kasam I just wanna kick the psyches out from those who are anti Indians. I have couple of my muslim friends who have the current of Indianism far more than me. So, how can i say muslims are terrorist or sheltering them. But yeah, none can keep its mind away from swaying in the pendulum of doubts that there is an intimate relation between muslims and terrorist because the methodology adapted by them is unbearable. LeT, Alqaida, JeM, Taliban is exclusively made out of muslims and their followers are straying everywhere either in American continents, Europe, or Asia. Even a person standing besides me can be an engineer but also supporter of those organistions. So, its obvious to doubt. But personally i don't agree with this. You are talking about Hindus. Muslims, christians, leave them, do u agree all the muslims are united (shiya, sunni), or hindus are united. Not at all. My dear India is the only example of unity in diversity. Go Austrialia, you'l be kicked back within days because you are either Hindu or Muslim, but none is gonna do here in India. Go France, Mr. Sarkozy has just announced couple of months ago that "Burkha" completely banned in France. But none is gonna do this in India. Everyone is equal here, A Raja is behind the gaol, because he is a criminal even when he is Hindu. India may be not fully a secular country due to some elements, but i can say with damn surety that you'l never see better secularism anywhere in this universe. We are the young genx.with fresh blood in veins and logical minds fitted inside the skull, we should not be diplomatic. We should always have just one attitude and that is to free our nation from all the evils and diseases so that it can become optimum and free to all its dwellers whether hindus or muslims. For civil services, i would recommend you to doff all the negatives and grow as much as possible the current of Indianism.
My friend: hmmm......agree with you......

How can I doff the so called negatives in ur language when I spend many sleepless nights thinking abt da SECULARISM of a SECULAR INDIA...??

Me: By stop thinking about secularism. U r gonna b a civil servant and for that u'l need a stimulation that "MY NATION IS GOOD AND I'M GONNA MAKE IT THE BEST."
My Friend: My cricket team is world champ; yeah but why some Muslims cheer for pak?
My nation's vice president is a Muslim Hamid Ansari….toh iss mien kya hai…he very much is a part of India’s Govt. A Raja is in the jail, kanimozhi is in jail..then what , there are so many innocent people there as well…

INDIANISM…how will u define it?
Me: I can't help when my friends cheer for Pak rather i become a numb.
Argue a lot of times with them on this issue but always come back empty handedly. There is nothing special when there is a muslim as a vice prez but then u can't blame India to be unequal with all religions.

The true feeling of being an India, loving India blindly, watching the dreams every single night of seeing India at the top in every arena, initiation of a current in body on hearing the word "India" is INDIANISM.

Finally, have a glance on my work. Please watch this video and you'll doff all the bitterness.: