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Sunday, June 3, 2012


No one can dare to imagine a world without reporters holding the microphones and radiating the current information among cosmopolitans. Today if we are in a position to capture the impossible is only due to efforts of media. The electronic media has bestowed all their blood and sweat to make us feel informative and awake all the time. The reporters owing their deeds to media never feel jeopardies of their own lives but to walk on burning coals in order to get the information possible for the eyes and ears of their viewers. For instance, the reporters in dire nations like Libya, Syria, Afghanistan etc. have no guarantee of seeing the next day’s sun. Even then they remain standing erectly. Hats  off to them for their chivalric deeds and services to mankind.
But in present scenario, the role of electronic media is somewhat looking to be surrounded under the shadows of doubts and chaos. Electronic media, especially in India, is going miles beneath the optimum level of sincerity. Sometimes, it becomes too cumbersome to keep holding the remote in the hand unclicked to change the channel. The ideologies of media in India, sometimes, seems to be focussed on amassing bank accounts with huge wealth or lusting for TRPs rather than providing the apt information.       

No one can forget CERN’s Light Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment fiasco in Geneva. Every Indian channel could be seen displaying in bold fonts, “Earth Is going to be demolished within one day”. The experiment has not provided any harm to earth hitherto but a number of kids and teenager even attempted for suicide. Even today, these channels have not learnt any lesson from prior mistakes and now they are stressing on Earth’s doom in 2012. Some channels even forecast the exact date i.e. 21st December 2012 as the last day of this green planet. Are they beyond the Almighty or Almighty has whispered  in their ears. Though Mayan calendar signifies a little possibility but Indian media magnified in a demoniac way. Its a matter of solid moot that upon what dogmata their minds are running.
26/11 Mumbai tragedy showed a miserable face of terrorism plunging in its shadow the lives of more than 180 people. On the same day, we saw a new face of Indian media. When all were vowing for the lives of people who were handcuffed in a no-way situation, the media channels were busy in divulging the strategies of army personnels to the world including the Pakistani veteran communicating with terrorists inside the Taj hotel and hotel Oberoi. Every action of military and NSGs were telecasted by channels but they didn’t think for a while that terrorists inside could also be getting the information. Finally, Government stopped them from telecasting the live footage on air.

We often see that they get too plunged in sports. Sports is a misnomer of activities done for amusement and rejuvenaton and no one can ever be assumed as an underdog or a favourite or simply sports is unpredictable. But look at the news channels, only one bad performance by national cricket team provokes the satanic soul in them. Criticizing, flaying and provoking the common man to flay. When Indian cricket team was routed by Bangladesh in 2007 world cup, the media channels were on roads to capture the scenes of people who were burning the effigies of players. But when India clinched the inaugural T20 championship by trouncing their arch-rivalry Pakistan or winning world cup 2012, the same media channels picked the team on their heads. They should have acted neutrally in both the cases because defeats and triumphs are the parts of sports.
The most laugh evoking incident was when IPL2012 was beleaguered by the parliamentarians and Indian media. Most channels’ surveys were showing that about 80-90% of Indians want to be banned but the strength inside stadium never diminished. Also they never stopped IPL coverage. IPL has given India enough rather unimaginable like the football leagues in Europe. Though I am not advocating in favour of the IPL but I think the issues of IPL could be dealt with more humanly by media channels.

Putting in a nutshell, media channels are an integral part of our society as they provide all the information required regarding stock exchange, business, sports, politics and other general cognizant stuff. Around the clock the the reporters living in the shadow of fear always give first priority in their customers’ need and luxury. But some channels often betray from their paths and start following the paths that are never built for the good of their service and customers like the paradigms I have mentioned above. So, they should be frank and honest with their work. Government should also formulate some new norms by going beyond of which by any channel will be considered against the law and to amend the existing ones. Govt. should demur anything inapt and issue ‘dnotics’ on the same because at the end of the day its only the media channels’ reportings that make our general opinions.

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